Years ago, while I was drafting THE FIRE WALKERS, I'd tweeted a message about love and language.
As Valentine’s
Day approaches, the stores fill up with red and pink greeting cards,
heart-shaped candy, and novelty plush animals that, with the press of a button, croon
Nat King Cole songs to you.

I confess, Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite
holidays. It's a great reason to celebrate your loved ones, whether that
significant other be spouse, family, friend, or animal compadre.
The holiday gives me the perfect excuse to do what I always do – explore all the ways love is communicated.
And as a romance writer, V-Day illustrates my job, the art of describing love in words,
which is difficult.
How do you convey an emotion so powerful?
We sing about it, write poems, draw images,
capture photographs, and write stories about this one multi-faceted emotion. Love is a paradox because everyone has experienced it,
but in an infinite number of individual ways.
There’s passion, affection, appreciation, friendship…. And all these nuances, these distinct little sensations, add up to make one unified whole. I’m amazed that so few words can express it.
That 47 synonyms encompass all the l-o-v-e.
There’s passion, affection, appreciation, friendship…. And all these nuances, these distinct little sensations, add up to make one unified whole. I’m amazed that so few words can express it.
That 47 synonyms encompass all the l-o-v-e.
Anytime I see a well-written illustration of amore in
any form (movie scene, music lyric, line in a book), I like to collect it. I write them down and return to them anytime I want to feel good.
I’d never really shared the quotes before last year, when I'd decided to post “A Day of Love
Quotes.” One love phrase every hour in honor of Valentine’s Day.
To make it a tradition, I’ve decided to post a new list of quotes next Saturday (2/14/2016), and you're invited to read along or contribute.
Whatever declaration of love has ever stood out to you
– be it poem, song, quote, phrase, story, tradition, or word of advice – please feel
free to share (in the comments below or on my Twitter page, @ShelleyNGreene during the live feed) this Valentine’s Day.
Let’s celebrate with words of love. <3
- - SNG