Keeping it simple
I almost changed W to be something else because this topic is another one of my weak areas. There are subjects I get windbag about, some that I know a little something and then topics like this. But everyone has been accepting of my naiveté so far, which I appreciate. The more you practice, the more you learn, right? :0)
I almost changed W to be something else because this topic is another one of my weak areas. There are subjects I get windbag about, some that I know a little something and then topics like this. But everyone has been accepting of my naiveté so far, which I appreciate. The more you practice, the more you learn, right? :0)
And the way I understand it, word choice is where you choose the most succinct and
appropriate word in a sentence. The word
can be long, short, multi syllable or humble, as long as it sums up your point concisely. This concept is simple enough, but the biggest hurdle I've encountered with
word choice is vocabulary.
in my case, limited vocabulary.
It’s tough to cinch a sentence when you have a narrow list of words to pick from.
In the T is for TENSE entry I’d mentioned that children learn by hearing and repeating, and it’s interesting how language is picked up from one’s environment that way. Traditionally, you need to hear a word or expression being used before you integrate it into your own verbal collection. And when I think about it, my vocabulary consists mainly of idioms and terms spoken by people in my surroundings, my family and friends. And while this is good for everyday conversation, it's generally expected that a writer’s glossary be much more expansive.
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In the T is for TENSE entry I’d mentioned that children learn by hearing and repeating, and it’s interesting how language is picked up from one’s environment that way. Traditionally, you need to hear a word or expression being used before you integrate it into your own verbal collection. And when I think about it, my vocabulary consists mainly of idioms and terms spoken by people in my surroundings, my family and friends. And while this is good for everyday conversation, it's generally expected that a writer’s glossary be much more expansive.
So with my writing I strive to be a word collector, contributing
new terms to my mental dictionary every day.
Call me strange, but in my nightstand I keep a 5”x8” steno pad of paper
and a pen handy to jot down words that stand out to me when I'm reading. I make a mental note if I hear a new phrase
used in conversation, and I even have a word-a-day calendar on my wall, so I
can take a new word with me.
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My goal is to use the new word at least three times that day, allowing its meaning and application to sink in.
The game is pretty fun. In the last month alone I’ve come across words such
Parietal, Disingenuous, Kitted, Semaphore, Gloze, Evince, Prurient, Estival, Didactic, Vinaceous, Anneal, Popinjay, Intestate, Turbid and Deft
And there are terms that really center in on the action
Susurrus, Flyting, Keelhaul, Deke and Chicane
Simple formations of
letters that have prompted me to explore new places, situations and things.
Isn't it amazing how powerful one little word can be?
Please come back tomorrow—X is for X-Mark.
great array of words. Some friends of mine got their hands on a Victorian era dictionary, and we had big fun with that one, finding all kinds of antique-y words.